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  • That_nerdy_kid

Creature of the Night by Kate Thompson

Hi again, I've been reading a lot lately so there have been a few more book reports than usual, but school has just started up again so there will probably be less now. As always, this review contains spoilers, so if you don't want to read those i suggest you stop reading now.

I was quite disappointed with this book, when i saw the cover and read the blurb, i was quite excited, i was intrigued and couldn't wait to read it. However, when i read it, i just wasn't really interested in the book for about the first half, until the fairy/little woman was talked about more and when the idea of the little girl who had never been seen and the missing man who no one had heard of for months were introduced and talked about more. Then slowly, i became more interested until the book began to finish. When the body of Lars was found and it was thought that a child had killed him and when Robert thought it was the Fairy/little women, i became more and more invested, and then, the book just, finished. I was beginning to get worried when there was only a few pages left, and so much more that i wanted to know. I would have liked a bit more information or explanation. It is said by characters in the book that it is thought that the girl who nobody saw was swapped as a child for a fairy. But it is never confirmed, i was dying to know if it was true, or why exactly she decided to kill Lars, i just would have likes to find out a little bit more about certain aspects of the story. I rate this book 6.5 out of 10 because i really would have liked more explanation. The next book that i will be reading and reviewing is The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude.

Thank you for reading.

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